Young generations make extensive use of mobile devices, such as smart-phones, tablets\nand laptops, for a variety of daily tasks with potentially critical impact, while the number of security\nbreaches via portable devices increases exponentially. A plethora of security risks associated with\nthese devices are induced by design shortcomings and vulnerabilities related to user behavior.\nTherefore, deploying suitable risk treatments requires the investigation of how security experts\nperceive the digital natives (young people, born in the digital era), when utilizing their user behavior\nmodels in the design and analysis of related systems. In this article, we present the results of a survey\nperformed across a multinational sample of security professionals, in comparison to our earlier\nstudy over the security awareness of digital natives. Through this study, we seek to identify\ndivergences between user behavior and the conceptual user-models that security experts utilise\nin their professional tasks. Our results indicate that the experts understanding over the user behaviour\ndoes not follow a solidified user-model, while influences from personal perceptions and randomness\nare also noticeable.